Celebrate Tu B’Shevat at a Winery

Tu B’Shevat gets its name from the date on which the holiday occurs, the 15th of the month of Shevat. A minor Jewish holiday, it is often referred to as the new year (or “birthday”) of the trees. The holiday originated in the Talmud, and was based on the date chosen...

Free Choice Book January 15

Book Group for January 8 and/or January 15 free choice. Each participant tells us a little about a fiction or non-fiction book he / she has been reading lately. Something about the author. 5 or 10 minutes. And the rest of us listen and may have a question or 2...

Book group reading with “One Bay One Book”

Our group’s read is Omar Friedlander’s debut collection, The Man Who Sold Air In The Holy Land, the SF Jewish Community Library’s One Bay One Book selection— Jewish people all over the Bay Area are reading it this year. Many related talks on ZOOM and in person. The...

Kislev here already?

The Jewish month of Chesvan, the so called quiet month, seemed to go by so quickly… now Kislev, the month of Chanukah, is here.  After the High Holidays we have a whole month to recoup, or so it seems. In reality, the board is making plans for the rest of the...