An Announcement to the Community
by Barbara McGee | Mar 26, 2023 | President's messages
It is with a heavy heart, I am conveying to you that on April 5th, 2023, the Beth Ami Early Learning Center, formerly the Beth Ami Community Nursery School, will be closing. The persistent torrential rains and the resulting water leaks were a major factor in closing...Todah Rabbah Lisa, L’hitraot
by Barbara McGee | Mar 15, 2023 | President's messages
I want to give a special Todah Rabbah to Lisa Iskin who has volunteered her music and cantorial services to Beth Ami during the pandemic. Many have gotten to know Lisa through her involvement with Friday night Zoom services, and this may have been their first...Kislev here already?
by beth-ami | Nov 23, 2022 | President's messages
The Jewish month of Chesvan, the so called quiet month, seemed to go by so quickly… now Kislev, the month of Chanukah, is here. After the High Holidays we have a whole month to recoup, or so it seems. In reality, the board is making plans for the rest of the...L’Shanah Tovah
by beth-ami | Sep 21, 2022 | President's messages
From the Board of Directors and staff of Congregation Beth Ami to you and all you hold close: May you be inscribed for a year of abundant blessing: health, happiness and prosperity. May our Creator find every one of us worthy of a year where Truth, Justice and...Change and Tikkun Olam during COVID
by beth-ami | Mar 31, 2022 | President's messages
One thing we are, as a people, is resilient. At the mid-year meeting, I was amazed at how many people were talking about the good works they were doing and the opportunities to get involved. As we begin to emerge from our homes again, there are so many more...Blogs for internal pages