The History of Latkes, and how to cook them

You don’t have to make latkes the same way every time… once you try the recipes in this pdf, you’ll wish Chanukah was longer than eight days. Here is some food history for you. When we think of latkes, we are immersed in the romantic tradition of...


CBA Book Group is now reading THE BETRAYERS by David Bezmozgis (Fiction, 256 pgs., 2015) for discussion Sunday, October 16, in my sukkah. The book spans 1 Jewish day in the life of a powerful Israeli politician, a former Soviet refusenik. The story takes place mostly...

L’Shanah Tovah

From the Board of Directors and staff of Congregation Beth Ami to you and all you hold close: May you be inscribed for a year of abundant blessing: health, happiness and prosperity. May our Creator find every one of us worthy of a year where Truth, Justice and...

Matzah Brei for all

This past Sunday the men’s club hosted a wonderful breakfast with our congregants [26 attended]. The men’s club members who participated included Dan Anbar Mark Rosen, Jeff Sheff, and Jerry Newman. In addition we had the assistance of Betty Boyd, Myra Thomas,...