Two events for Chanukah at Beth Ami

The first night of Chanukah is Wednesday December 25, so… Happy Chinese Food and a Movie Day! Have nothing to do December 25th? Come join us at Beth Ami for Chinese Food and a Movie at 4 pm. Vegetarian fare by Mark Dierkhising and David Kahn. Movie is Frisco...

Pizza in the Hut Shabbat dinner in the Sukkah

Pizza in the Hut: Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah October 18 Friday at 6:00 pm We will be serving cheese and veggie pizza, salad, dessert kugel and drinks. Price is $8, children 5 and under free. We will eat inside if weather doesn’t cooperate. Pizza will be from...

Tisha B’Av Monday August 12 8:00 pm

Join Rabbi Ron Koas Monday night August 12 at 8 pm to mark the beginning of the Fast of Tisha B’Av. It’s customary to darken the sanctuary and read the book of Lamentations by the light of candles or flashlights. It is a solemn and moving experience. See...

School and office equipment Rummage Sale

 Rummage Sale at Beth Ami    (click for flyer) Friday, June 28th, 2024 Noon to 3 PM for Beth Ami members 2 PM to 5 PM for local School Directors and teachers We have books, materials, housewares, child play items, manipulatives, office supplies, appliances, furniture...

Information for June 1 Pride Parade

Congregation Beth Ami will conduct a Shabbat morning service (Leanne leading) starting at 9:30 a.m. in Fremont Park. We look for a shady spot near the central statue area closer to 5th Street. Our parade check-in time is 10:15, and we should all be in place by 10:40....