There are many ways that your donations to Beth Ami can act to fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah. Forms are available that make it easy to donate. The office sends acknowledgement cards to those being honored, or families in the case of a memorial, and gifts are noted in the Shofar. (When you do send a check in for one of these purposes, PLEASE note on the memo line to which fund you wish us to direct your donation. There is a minimum donation of $7.50).
Whether your initial motivation is to celebrate a life event, express a memorial for someone, or to gain a tax break, be assured that your community and Beth Ami appreciate your generosity!
Shopping Programs
Community Smart and eScrip are fantastic resources for fundraising. Participating business partners contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit/ATM card purchases to the organization of your choice-Congregation Beth Ami-of course!
Here’s how it works …
eScrip — You register any one or all of your existing grocery loyalty, debit and credit cards for use in the program. OR
Registration form (PDF)
Community Smart — You get a Community Smart card that is swiped at the point-of-sale to trigger donations when paying with cash, check or credit card.
Both — Just by using the cards you have registered, participating merchants will make contributions to your chosen group based on purchases made by you. Your purchases are tracked and available to you online, you see just how much you are earning.
We are pleased to announce that longtime member Ronnie Rosenbach is our new Beth Ami eScrip Coordinator. She will be tracking our donation progress and looking at additional ways we can earn contributions for Beth Ami just by doing our everyday shopping. If you have any questions, want to sign up or need assistance with eScrip, contact Ronnie at (707) 322-2006 or
Donate to Beth Ami when you shop on Amazon! Amazon has a program called AmazonSmile that donates a portion of what you spend on some products through that site to the charity you select. Information about how it works can be found at On your first visit to AmazonSmile (, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. After that every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation. To select Beth Ami as your charity, type “Beth Ami” into the search box. If you see more than one Beth Ami, select the one in Santa Rosa. If you select the wrong charity by mistake, point to the name of the charity at the top of the AmazonSmile screen and click on “Change your charity” in the pop-up box. Just remember to do your Amazon shopping by going through You will have access to the same products as through the regular site.
Food at the High Holy Days
Each year at the High Holy Days, Beth Ami participates in a congregation-wide collection of canned and non-perishable foods for the Redwood Empire Food Bank.
Yahrzeit & Simcha Board
Yahrzeit Board
The Yahrzeit Board is a great way to remember and memorialize a loved one. The Yahrzeit Board consists of plaques 2″ by 10″ in size with the loved one’s name. Each year, for the Hebrew month of your loved one’s passing, a light is lit next to their plaque and their name will be included in the weekly Shabbat bulletin. Also, their name will be included annually in the Yizkor book. Your loved one’s memory will be commemorated forever even if no relatives are members of the congregation.
If you would like your loved one’s memory to be commemorated in this way, please visit the Forms page for further information.
Simcha Board
The Simcha Board is located in the foyer of the Sanctuary at Congregation Beth Ami, as a Tree of Life. A leaf on the Simcha Board is a lovely way to to commemorate a happy occasion and share your joy with the community in a lasting way. A bronze leaf can be personalized with an inscription. You may also choose to have a stone engraved for placement below the tree. There are two sizes of stones. Your milestone or simcha is immortalized while benefitting the congregation in a tax-deductible donation.
Please visit the Forms page for further information on how you can commemorate a special occasion in this way.
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