Events at a Glance
Coming Events: Please note dates for Rabbi Koas’ programs and services have been moved for February only. See descriptions: February 2025 programs
February 7 Friday 6:00 pm. Kabbalat Shabbat with congregants in person and Zoom
February 8 Saturday 9:30 am. Shabbat morning service Lay led, potluck lunch
February 13 Thursday 6:30 pm. Tu B’Shevat Seder ( see page 14 of the Shofar )
February 14 Friday 5:30 pm. Meditative Minyan with Rob Gitlin on Zoom only
6:00 pm. Sing in Shabbat with Leah Gerber on Zoom only
February 15 Saturday 9:30 am. Shabbat morning service Lay led, potluck lunch
February 21 Friday 6:00 pm. Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Koas and Klezmer Creek, Shabbat Dinner
February 22 Saturday 9:00 am. Torah Study in the Social Hall
9:45 am. Shabbat morning service with Rabbi Koas, potluck lunch
7:00 pm. Havdalah gathering
February 23 Sunday 9:00 am. Morning Service in person and Zoom followed by light breakfast, then Torah on Trails
February 23 Sunday 1:30 pm. Zoom and in person at Beth Ami, speaker Dr. Michael Harris on California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum
February 28 Friday Rosh Chodesh Adar 6:00 pm. Meditative Minyan and Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Koas, Oneg and potluck dinner
March 1 Saturday 9:00 am, Torah Study in the Social Hall
9:45 am. Shabbat morning service with Rabbi Koas – potluck lunch
Wednesday February 19 and 26, 7:00 pm Introduction to Judaism / Bnai Mitzvah Class. How to be Jewish for beginners. Contact Rabbi Koas if you are interested meets twice a month
Wednesday February19 Lunch and Learn noon to 1:30
Thursday February 27 6:30 pm Torah on Tap
Web lectures recommended by the Israel Committee in January and beyond
Celebrate trees, especially fruit trees, for Tu B’Shevat: Experience the Kabbalistic tradition of the Tu B’Shevat seder February 13 at 6:30 pm.
In Febuary our monthly Shabbat dinner and musical Shir Shabbat will be February 21, featuring the music of Klezmer Creek and the cooking of our talented volunteers.
All are welcome to participate in our new programs with Rabbi Ron Koas. Learning and discussion can involve trails, breakfast, lunch, and even beer.
Click photo to read the article in the J Weekly about the Teddy Bear Project to comfort traumatized Israeli kids. See the Israel Committee blog to participate..
Popular Blogs
(See more blogs here)
Our Shabbat and festival services are a true hybrid with active participants on Zoom. We have a NEW ZOOM ADDRESS. See this page for information and links.
On two Fridays a month Leah Gerber leads a short and very sweet musical Shabbat service at 6:00 pm, concluding with our communal Kiddush at about 6:30 pm. We hope that joining as a community in this way, will lift all of our spirits, with the beauty and holiness of Shabbat. Fourth Fridays will be led by congregants.
Saturday Torah Study 9:00 am, Shabbat morning services in person and on Zoom, 9:45 am, lead by Rabbi Ron Koas and congregants. There are hearing assistance devices for in-person attendees and captioning available on Zoom. Lunches after Shabbat morning services are prepared by the Kitchen Committee with potluck donations, see food guidelines and recipes here.
Siddur Chadash Shabbat Morning
Weekday: Sunday through Friday mornings to be determined
Weekday: evening services to be determined
weekday Shacharit SIDDUR SIM SHALOM
weekday afternoon SIDDUR SIM SHALOM
weekday maariv SIDDUR SIM SHALOM
A source for Torah and Haftarah is here Another source:
Closed Captioning/ Live Transcript instructions Closed Caption Instructions for Beth Ami
Rabbi Koas’ classes and events
- Every Shabbat morning when Rabbi is in town: Torah Study at 9 AM at CBA
- 2nd Sunday of the month at 9 AM Morning minyan services and Breakfast at CBA
- 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:30 AM Torah on Trails. Please RSVP to Rabbi Koas at 732-998-1029
- 2nd Wednesday of the month at noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch and Learn at CBA Order a Veggie Wrap or Tuna Sandwich (box lunch, chips and a drink for $12). Please order through the office at 707-360-3000 by the Monday prior to class.
- 2nd Thursday of the month 6:30 PM Torah on Tap at CBA. We provide the drink. You provide the Nosh (Veggie only please follow potluck guidelines.)
- Introduction to Judaism / Bnai Mitzvah Class 2nd Mondays, 7:00 pm, starting January 13. How to be Jewish for beginners. A step-by-step guide to gaining an understanding of Judaism and Jewish life. Contact Rabbi Koas if you are interested
- Havdalah at CBA on 2nd Saturday of the month: You provide the beverage. We’ll provide the Nosh. Followed by Karaoke, Game Night, or other activities. Future Havdalah nights ideas include a Painting night, Storytelling/Poetry Mic night/Movies. Send your ideas to Put in the Subjject line Havdalah gatherings.
- And every Tuesday when Rabbi Koas is in town. Join him at the Taco Tuesday Ride For details call Rabbii Koas at 732-998-1029
Social Action, Civil Rights and Social Justice
Please join the members of the Beth Ami’s Advocates for Social Justice as we explore together:
• Have time together with your community at CBA to share experiences and perhaps some sensitive discussions.
• Explore racism and white privilege in the world today and how it has directly and indirectly been a part of our lives.
• Increase our understanding and learn how racism has molded our perceptions.
• Discover ways to be antiracist and support people of color.
• Gain tools and resources to initiate and build social justice in our community.
Social Action continues to provide food to The Palms. We are now serving hot food from crockpots in person. Social Action Committee meets periodically to plan the next Palms dinner. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Lyla.
We have resumed volunteering at the Redwood Empire Food Bank. You need to sign up online. We usually work the 10:00- 1:00 shift and then go out for a simple meal. This is a great activity with your children or grandkids over 13. Or for any friend.
To get more info, please call Lyla Nathan at 526-7438 or Elizabeth Jarlsberg at BA office 360-3000.
Beth Ami Israel Committee
The Israel Affairs Committee collects links and descriptions of national and international webinars and online viewing about Israel and antisemitism.
Shofar Newsletter
Check out our current newsletter: Shofar January February 2025 for essays, news, more events and details about the events listed above. Archived issues of the Shofar are also available online.
Ongoing activities
If you need to say Kaddish or memorialize a special event, contact the office at 360-3000 one week in advance, and we will do our best to secure a minyan.
In the Social Hall: Exercise for Older Adults 10 am Wednesdays
Israeli Folk Dancing is on a break: See the Israeli Dance blog.
Congregation Beth Ami is located in Northern California,in the heart of Wine Country in Sonoma County, about one hour north of San Francisco, and about one hour west of Napa.
Some Recent Blogs
A Completely Unknown Spiel and Meal
A Completely Unknown Megillah, Sunday March 16 3:00 pm... be a sponsor! We can’t help but notice this confluence of hidden and mysterious Jews: Esther/Hadassah, Bob Dylan/Robert Zimmerman— and then throw in Timothée Chalamet. Obviously the movie A Complete Unknown...
All are welcome at Beth Ami’s new programs, led by Rabbi Koas
Torah on the Trail Second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am This is a walk that’s not about the walk. We’ll speak about God and the wonders of creation. We’ll stop along the way to admire the beauty of nature and share thoughts and feelings. How often have you walked...
Our current read is AIN'T NO GRAVE by Mary Glickman (fiction, 20i24, 264 pgs.) This year there are two short ONE BAY ONE BOOK selections. Both take place in the American South. Last month we discussed GOYHOOD by s.pies. Reuven Fenton. Glickman's book is the other...
Benjamin Mertz in person at Beth Ami January 18
The Advocates for Social Justice Committee invites you to a special Shabbat program on January 18. Benjamin Mertz lives in the Bay Area and is a Black social activist, composer, performer, and song leader who specializes in music of the Black Spiritual tradition....
A Day On, Not a Day Off!
Each year on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, volunteers across the nation donate their time and energy towards helping others and strengthening their local communities. Our committee is sponsoring an activity on Martin Luther King Day. It is being organized by Community...
Book Group Discussion on Music of Jewish Calcutta
Jewish Calcutta Through Music and Memory, with Rahel Musleah Click here to register for this free virtual program co-presented by New Lehrhaus. OR We will have a Beth Ami group zoom from our social hall Sunday, December 22, 2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Everyone interested...
Two events for Chanukah at Beth Ami
The first night of Chanukah is Wednesday December 25, so... Happy Chinese Food and a Movie Day! Have nothing to do December 25th? Come join us at Beth Ami for Chinese Food and a Movie at 4 pm. Vegetarian fare by Mark Dierkhising and David Kahn. Movie is Frisco Kid....
‘Goyhood’ and ‘Ain’t No Grave’ are our next books
This Jewish calendar year the SF Jewish Community Library has 2 short OneBayOne Book selections. Both novels take place in the South of the U.S. First we’re borrowing 12 copies of GOYHOOD by Reuven Fenton which will be available to CBA members and friends on November...
Be Thankful
Gratitude is the essence of our identity. Gratitude leads to happiness. We get so busy with chasing after the things we want, that we forget to enjoy the present moment and therefore forget to be happy. I hear people all the time saying: ”Oh, I will be happy when I...
December Holiday Collection for The Palms
Shalom all, I want to thank everyone who contributed and or served at The Palms last week. We had a lively turnout and I really think we and the residents really enjoyed the company and the food. Special thanks to Rabbi Koas and to Arnie and Chris for joining the...