What’s Happening in the CBA Kitchen?

Besides our usual events, this is the time of year we are busy making hamantashen for Purim and planning for Passover. The Passover plans are a major upheaval in their own right. Not only is the kitchen unavailable for it’s usual operations, but it’s been turned...

Operation Hamantashen 5775

Thanks to the willing hands of Ahuva Simon-Sa’ar, Judy Stern and Janet & Jeffrey Stein-Larson there are now over 200 Hamantashen, with the traditional prune/raison filling, in our CBA freezer!!!  What are Sunday February 8th baking plans? Will it be apricot...

What’s a Jewish holiday without food?

During September and October, the kitchen will be involved with a lot of special events for celebrating simchas and the High Holy Days and there will be a lot of planning for these events by the various planners/coordinators. Every time the kitchen is to be used, Beth...

Holiday Food Puzzle

Our CBA Kitchen is all about food. We have foods for all types of celebrations: holidays, life cycles and special events. As we approach summer months, we realize that the Jewish holiday cycle slows down a bit, so now is a good time to reflect on the Jewish Holidays...