
OVER A THOUSAND! We’re SHOUTING-out big THANK YOUs to our coordinator Ahuva Simon- Sa’ar; to our team of dough & filling contributers: Jo Anne Bressick, Lee Feinstein, Judi Hyman, Tish Levee, Barb McGee, Myrna Morse, Leanne Schy,...

At the end of the year

At the end of the secular calender year, we like to take a moment to remember all of the feasts, celebrations and events that involved the Beth Ami Kitchen. If you have been looking at the kitchen calendar by the kitchen door you have seen these events that have...

Chanukah is coming

Chanukah is coming. The first candle is lit on sundown of December 6th. We have 8 days to celebrate with lighting menorahs, parties, and special foods. To help celebrate the miracle of lights we like, no…be honest…we love, to fry foods in oil. Potato latkes...

A new year in the CBA kitchen

Donations to the CBA Kitchen We have alot of Thank Yous to make to our CBA Community. Our potlucks have been fantastic thanks to you. Members make food in the CBA kitchen to share and members bring foods to be used for our Shabbat potlucks and onegs. We have had...

Call for Honey Cake!

Adding more sweetness to our celebration of the High Holy Days: Honey cake is one of our special traditions for Rosh Hashanah and we want to have plenty at Beth Ami for the holiday season from Rosh Hashanah through Sukkot. If you want to bake a loaf or two and bring...

Mashgiach class

Mashgiach class, Sunday August 23, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Calling all persons interested in donating their time and energy to the CBA kitchen. On Sunday, August 23rd, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. there will be a mashgiach training for new kitchen volunteers. This is the...