At the end of the secular calender year, we like to take a moment to remember all of the feasts, celebrations and events that involved the Beth Ami Kitchen. If you have been looking at the kitchen calendar by the kitchen door you have seen these events that have happened and how busy we have been in 2015.
Our kitchen use is growing and changing. New to our experiences was our first volunteer catered Second Night Passover Seder and our volunteer caterers for the Friday Night Family Shabbat Dinners and Religious School Shabbat Dinners. A group of volunteers has also been coming in and making bagels for the Potluck Shabbats.
These changes with all of our other events have made us appreciate all of the many special volunteers who are involved in creating and presenting each event, whether big or small. Whether you were involved with the planning, facilitating, shopping, donating, preparing, presenting the food; or you were setting up or cleaning up for an event. Whether you donated money, food, supplies & equipment for kitchen use; or whether you donated your time and labor to be a Mashgiach for one of our events; or to organize, clean, maintain and repair the kitchen and its appliances; we appreciate you one and all.
Thank all of you who have participated in making the CBA Kitchen a happening place!