Social Action

As summer comes to a close, we all look forward to the High Holidays and the beautiful Sonoma County autumn. The Social Action Committee is hoping to have another successful year building community within the Beth Ami community and helping those in need in our larger...

Across the Interfaith Table dinner 

Dear Congregants and Beth Ami Nursery School Families, below is an announcement about Across the Interfaith Table 2017 that will occur on Sunday, August 27th from 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM. This event is a once a year opportunity for individuals from all faiths to learn...

Rosh Chodesh Av

All Rosh Chodesh women… Hannah Caratti has agreed to host “Welcoming Rosh Chodesh Av with Hebrew Chanting and Yoga” on Monday, July 24!  Wear comfortable clothes that you can stretch and move in. We’ll be in Hannah’s studio 7:00-7:45pm....

From Our New President

It is the day after the Annual Membership meeting and my election as President of Beth Ami for the 2nd time in my life. The first time was almost 20 years ago—the 3rd year after becoming a member of the shul. I appreciate the confidence and support of the many members...

Critical Difference

בס״ד In creating the universe one of the first acts of the Divine Creator is to make distinctions: light and darkness, day and night, heaven and earth, dry land and seas, plants, birds, fishes and animals after their kinds, Shabbat and the rest of the days of the...

Everybody Sing!

Rabbi Nachman said,“Even if you can’t sing well, sing. Sing to yourself. Sing in the privacy of your home. But sing.” Some Benefits Of Singing Physically Singing exercises our lungs. It tones up our intercostal muscles and our diaphragm. It can improve our sleep. We...

Big Israeli Dance News

From Joanna at the Person/ Finley Center: First off, for those who have lost their homes, have been displaced or know those who are impacted by this terrible disaster, I sincerely hope that you are safe and taken care of, my thoughts are with you.  I have been...

Thanks for dancing

May 31 is Shavuot, so the next dates are June 14th and 28th. Thanks so much to all the dancers who came and danced for and with people at Beth Ami before the Israeli songs concert. I want you to know that singer Achi Ben Shalom, who is a folk dancer, told me,...