Two weeks ago, several members of our congregation and I attended a virtual conference entitled, “Kol Tzedek: A Conference on Racial Justice,” presented by United Synagogue, our umbrella organization. It was an exceptional 6-hour experience.   The focus of...

Welcome Shabbat as a Community

We would love for you and your family to join us Friday evenings 6:00 pm on the Beth Ami Zoom page  to join in welcoming the Shabbat. Our plan is for each family to have their Shabbat Candles ready to kindle.  We will start the Zoom session at 6:00 pm; light our...

Hello from My Home Bunker!

I hope you are all staying safe, healthy and connected. A big shout out and Todah Rabah (Thank you) to Bernard and Maria Soltes, owners of Pasta Etc, who have contributed boxed meals of fresh pasta and sauce for distribution to Beth Ami and Nursey School members who...

Thanks between holidays

With the High Holidays completed, I thank those who were instrumental in creating a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere of traditional services both at the Friedman Center and in the Beth Ami Sanctuary. Thanks above all go to Lee Feinstein, Chair of Religious Practices;...

A Time of Reflection

I’m looking forward to our time together during the upcoming Holy Days: A time of reflection, wonder, prayer, support, making things right where one can do so; I’m looking forward to greeting you and sharing our grief and joy, our hopes and yes, our fears, and our...