As summer comes to a close, we all look forward to the High Holidays and the beautiful Sonoma County autumn.
The Social Action Committee is hoping to have another successful year building community within the Beth Ami community and helping those in need in our larger community. We are committed to Tikun Olam to make the world a better place.
This year Bobbie Rosenthal will be co-chair of the committee as she is now a member of the Beth Ami board and we want to make sure that we are represented. Thanks Bobbie. We have many new and continuing projects this upcoming year.
We will have our annual food drive during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for Jewish Family and Children Services. We have provided a huge amount of wonderful food every year as we fill up their pantry. Let’s do it again. Remember heathy, low sodium items are needed. For a full list please check the info on the bins. Thanks so much for your continued support.
We continue to go to the Redwood Empire Food Bank on the first Wednesday of the month. Attendance is down and we are thinking of having a evening packaging so we could get a better turnout. More info to come.
We will make hygiene packages for the homeless again this year. So please start collecting toiletries, hygiene products and socks so that we can prepare the bags in the fall. Also small purses and backpacks will work. Containers will be in foyer.
In November we will have our annual Winter Clothing Drive with Shomrei Torah.
We are very interested in doing something for homeless Veterans. We are planning to go to The Palms where homeless veterans are living. We also plan, with Adult Education, an educational evening on homelessness.
We started Compassionate Conversations, Heart to Heart, in the spring. The conversations are meant to give us an opportunity to speak and to listen to each other in new and more thoughtful ways.The hope is to create stronger relationships and build community. The group has about 20 participants who have come at various times. Because of the intimacy of the group, we decided to continue as is through December. Hopefully, more groups can be formed later. If anyone is interested, please contact Rabbi Miller, Ellen Mundell, Lyla Nathan. We would love to have many people join in. We are a small group and always looking for new members. If any of our ideas speaks to you, please let us know. You can call the Elizabeth in the office at 360-3000 or contact Lyla at 526-7438.
Thanks to everyone at Beth Ami for making our community a giving and welcoming Kehilla.