I hope you are all staying safe, healthy and connected. A big shout out and Todah Rabah (Thank you) to Bernard and Maria Soltes, owners of Pasta Etc, who have contributed boxed meals of fresh pasta and sauce for distribution to Beth Ami and Nursey School members who have been particularly hard by the economic shutdown. Thanks also to members of the Social Action committee (Judi Hyman and Susan Miller and Judy Gunnar) who have volunteered to distribute the food.
Wait until you see our beautifully refurbished main office. Jose and crew in consultation with Bonnie Boren, has painted the interior and laid new carpet. I hear it’s beautiful!!!
You can see how CBA member’s gardens are looking this spring – take a garden tour on Beth Ami’s Facebook page – beautiful and impressive. (See instructions in weekly Cybershul)
Our Calling, Caring & Connecting Committee is still at work making sure everyone has a friendly call regularly: “Hello, how are you doing and do you have everything you need?” Many thanks to the 28 individuals from the congregation who are making calls and dedicated to staying connected.
With the latest Health Department orders to be implemented today in Sonoma County it looks like we’ll be holding the Annual Meeting in June via ZOOM (date to be determined.) We are beginning to consider all the pieces of the “rentry” puzzle that will need to be in place before staff, congregants or children are permitted to gather on campus. Stay tuned.
All this is to say that even while we operate from our own separate spaces, there are ways we remain a community. Adult Education, Religious Practices, the Kitchen Committee, the Green Committee, Social Action, USY are all functioning in addition to the many services and classes Rabbi Miller is holding every week. Your Board of Directors has met several times during the past 2 months, navigating our progress through the pandemic. All of our meetings take place via ZOOM.
That’s all for now. Be well, and stay connected.
Warm regards, Carolyn