Gathering in a Sukkah

Rosh Chodesh Women are invited to gather in the sukkah of Leanne Schy on Tuesday, September 29 at 7pm. We’ll explore the meaning of the sukkah and how it can influence our every day living and behavior. RSVP to this email for Leanne’s address … and,...

Beth Ami & You for the holidays

Sukkot Family Celebration Sunday, September 27th, 4:30 – 7:30 PM Come for art projects to beautify our sukkah! Stay for a brief service and the very popular Pizza in the Hut, a fundraiser for Youth Programs. Tickets for Pizza: $10 for adults. $8 for youth. Kids 4 and...

Nof Yaldut

This dance which Limor taught us has been following me around. I saw it recently on her facebook page being danced in Israel, I saw it being danced in L.A., and I just saw it being danced in San Francisco. Plus, Heidi likes it, so I guess we should bring this dance...

End of the Summer, Beginning of the Year

Summer is on the wane; the daylight hours imperceptibly shorter one by one as the month ticks by, and Earth speeds on in its orbit. Around the meeting point of summer and fall lie our great holidays: Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Sh’mini Atzeret....

Call for Honey Cake!

Adding more sweetness to our celebration of the High Holy Days: Honey cake is one of our special traditions for Rosh Hashanah and we want to have plenty at Beth Ami for the holiday season from Rosh Hashanah through Sukkot. If you want to bake a loaf or two and bring...

Rosh Chodesh Elul

In “The Best Laid Plans” department … The Jewish women’s Rosh Hodesh Elul potluck and gathering previously scheduled for Sunday, August 16, has been postponed until Sunday, September 6. (Because of a funeral) At that time we will celebrate both the...

How Sweet the Sound

August 11th, 2014, a series of events in Ferguson, Missouri sent shock waves across our nation. A festering wound deeply felt by our African American citizens could no longer be ignored. Despite calls for a peaceful reaction, emotions veered out of control. In the...

Check out Limor’s facebook page

You might want to friend Limor Shapira’s facebook page:  —Limor used to teach our class before moving back to Israel, and now she teaches a group in the Galilee area. She posts a lot of videos that aren’t...

Annual President’s Report minutes

Congregation Beth Ami President Laura Alexander shared the highlights of her first year as President and her willingness to serve another two years if elected. She asked Board members and volunteers to rise to be thanked for their contribution to Beth Ami. The success...