Social Action

As summer comes to a close, we all look forward to the High Holidays and the beautiful Sonoma County autumn. The Social Action Committee is hoping to have another successful year building community within the Beth Ami community and helping those in need in our larger...

Compassionate Conversations

The first meeting of Compassionate Conversations was held on Sunday, April 23. We were pleased by the large turn out. Seventeen people willingly dedicated their time to learn and practice how to really listen. We listened to each other without interrupting or asking...

Shalom from Social Action

The Social Action Committee recently met and prepared bags for the homeless and those in need. We have been doing this project for over a year and have found it to be a very worthwhile and satisfying experience. People on the receiving end have been very thankful and...

Social Action Committee

The Social Action Committee has a mission to help create a more peaceful, giving and welcoming community.  In past years we have facilitated many activities that have revolved  around conversation and community building. We believe that conversation leads to greater...

Rainbow Shabbat

Almost one year ago, during Sukkot, the Congregation celebrated the Sukkah of Shalom. It was an evening devoted to outreach to the LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Intersex) Community; the Gay Community for simplicity purposes. It...

Happy New Year to all

As we begin the new year, I want to wish everyone a healthy and sweet one. Rosh HaShana is always a time of reflection and hope. The social action committee continues to have a vision to make a better world where we are kind to each other and help our friends and...