July 26 Wednesday Erev Tisha B’Av in person in the sanctuary, as well as on Zoom 8:00 pm. Services begin, 8:27 pm. Fast begins (Chanting the Book of Lamentations) July 27 Thursday 8:00 am Tisha B’Av service on Zoom 9:10 pm Fast ends Tisha B’Av (“the ninth of Av”) is...

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Thursday, May 25th Come any time between 5 and 10 pm. We will meet at Beth Ami to learn from national presenters, and have dairy refreshments. Join with thousands of Jews for the Conservative/Masorti Movement Tikkun Leil Shavuot Torah from Coast to Coast, sponsored by...

Sonoma County 2023 Pride Parade Saturday, June 3rd

Join Beth Ami at the Sonoma County 2023 Pride Parade Saturday, June 3rd, downtown Santa Rosa. We are all signed up for the Sonoma County 2023 Pride Parade on Saturday, June 3rd, in Santa Rosa. The theme is commUNITY. Come show your pride and love for everyone in the...