
OVER A THOUSAND! We’re SHOUTING-out big THANK YOUs to our coordinator Ahuva Simon- Sa’ar; to our team of dough & filling contributers: Jo Anne Bressick, Lee Feinstein, Judi Hyman, Tish Levee, Barb McGee, Myrna Morse, Leanne Schy,...

At the Contemporary Jewish Museum

What a lovely time we had! Thank you all!! We went on our our “field trip” on Sunday, April 10 to the Contemporary Jewish Museum < http://www.thecjm.org/ > and lunch at Shangri-La Kosher vegetarian restaurant. It was a wonderful day, and we survived...

Welcome Leah Frost

Shalom! I’m thrilled to announce that Leah Frost has accepted the position as Beth Ami’s new Executive Director effective January 25, 2016. Leah will be moving from Davis, California where she has served as Office/Facilities Manager of Congregation Bet...

New news from Social Action

Susan Miller has spear-headed the small ziplock bag of snacks and hygiene products for those in need.  As an alternative to giving cash  to people, the SAC is preparing bags that you can take from the synagogue foyer,   The bags will be available this Sunday at the...

Beginning dances #2

We’re back in the Friedman Center! We’ll be dancing there at 7 p.m. May 11 and 25. It will be interesting to see what it’s like! Beginning dances #2: Gadi Bitton, a noted Israeli choreographer, has posted, on You Tube, a collection of Israeli dances...

Rosh Chodesh Shevat

Rosh Chodesh Shevat ~ Brunch on January 10 at Congregation Beth Ami. Join other Jewish women to celebrate the new month of Shevat ~ the 11th month of the Jewish year and the 1st Jewish month celebrated in 2016 ~ with ritual, activities, and food! Our Dairy/Pareve...

At the end of the year

At the end of the secular calender year, we like to take a moment to remember all of the feasts, celebrations and events that involved the Beth Ami Kitchen. If you have been looking at the kitchen calendar by the kitchen door you have seen these events that have...

Beginners’ dances

Starting in January the first half-hour, 7 – 7:30, will be for learning beginning steps and dances. Then from 7:30 to 9:30 we’ll mix various levels of dances, including more beginning dances. December 23, January 6 and 20, we’ll be dancing in the...

Busy Social Action

These have been very busy months for the Social Action Committee. First off, we now have two new members: Bobbie Rosenthal and Carol Levine. Thanks and welcome to you both. We started off in Oct. with The Sukkah of Shalom where members and friends of our community...

Chanukah is coming

Chanukah is coming. The first candle is lit on sundown of December 6th. We have 8 days to celebrate with lighting menorahs, parties, and special foods. To help celebrate the miracle of lights we like, no…be honest…we love, to fry foods in oil. Potato latkes...