January 15, 2022

Dear Friends, Within the last two weeks we’ve witnessed two acts against the Jewish Community, one in our neighborhood: the malicious destruction of the Holocaust Memorial Fountain, a week ago at the Santa Rosa Memorial Cemetery – for the second time in two...

The Fast of Tevet

It seems as if every region of our country, East, South, Midwest and West is subject to some form of natural disaster.  Hurricanes, tornados, fires, flooding, earthquakes; one never can be sure when they might arrive to disrupt and devastate our ongoing lives. Just...


Now that we have turned back to the beginning in the Torah, there is no better time to begin taking a look at traditional Jewish study. Join in or simply observe our Rashi Study: Weekday mornings, Sunday – Friday 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. Also streamed and recorded...