CBA BOOK GROUP current read is TO THE END OF THE LAND by highly acclaimed Israeli writer David Grossman (Fiction,576 pgs, Hebrew, 2008; English translation, 2010. All 12 copies of the book borrowed from the SF Jewish Community Library have already been distributed,...

Food Traditions of the High Holy Days

Now as the the High Holy Days approach, we all know that our Jewish traditions is filled with foods that have meanings. Below is the article I printed last year, and it has been updated with the current dates. The Kitchen Corner For our needs, we have direct prayers...

Tisha B’Av Monday August 12 8:00 pm

Join Rabbi Ron Koas Monday night August 12 at 8 pm to mark the beginning of the Fast of Tisha B’Av. It’s customary to darken the sanctuary and read the book of Lamentations by the light of candles or flashlights. It is a solemn and moving experience. See...