Beth Hamon is a creative force whose songs straddle the fuzzy line between Jewish and secular themes of justice, hope, renewal and love. Based in Portland, Oregon, she tours as an artist- and educator-in-residence and cantorial soloist at synagogues, community centers and coffeehouses across the country.

Musicians’ Song Share: 7:30pm Thursday, December 7 at CBA,
for Jewish musicians from throughout Sonoma County. Focused on the power of music to facilitate community and connection. RSVP a must! call Elizabeth: 707-360-3000. Free, donations welcome.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm December 8 in person and Zoom. Beth will lead the service with Rabbi Mordecai Miller

Concert at the Chanukah Havdalah Cafe: 7:00pm, December 9 at CBA; Beth Hamon in concert with songs of Chanukah and hope. Ticket Donation purchased in advance by contacting our office $20, at the door $25.