Tikkun Leyl is a celebration specific to the holiday of Shavuot: it includes a late-night – or even all-night – study of Torah and Jewish texts that commemorates receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.


Come enjoy the night with us in person as Rabbi Miller, Rabbi Bochner, Rabbi Feldman and Rebbetzin Shoshana Bochner lead us in discussion. There will be singing, noshing and celebrating. Can’t make it in person?

Live streaming is at the Beth Ami Zoom  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/862157330?pwd=c2V5dEp6YzA4ZERHL2p2REdFU29uQT09

Time: 8:00 pm – after midnight
Venue: Beth Ami Sanctuary and Social Hall
Participating Congregations: Bnai Israel, Petaluma; Congregation Beth Ami, Santa Rosa
Teachers: Rabbi Shalom Bochner, Rabbi Mordecai Miller, Shoshana Bochner, Rabbi Ted Feldman,

1. 8:00 – 8:30 pm. Gathering in Social Hall – Singing and music -Rabbi Shalom Bochner
2. 8:15 – Ma’ariv
3. 8:30 pm Kiddush & Light Nosh (Coffee)
4. 8:45 pm Reading Ruth in English (Possibly some Hebrew) – Why is Ruth the Megillah for Shavuot?
5: 9:00 – 9:35 pm Midrash on Ruth -Rabbi Mordechai Miller
6. 9:35 – Break, Singing and nosh
7. 9:45 pm The Seven Sacred Names of God – Shoshana Bochner
8 10:35 pm – Break
9. 10:45 pm – Ted on Ten (Ten Commandments)- Rabbi Ted Feldman
10. 11:40 pm Experiencing God (Comparing the Ten Commandments to the prophecy of Ezekiel) –Rabbi Shalom
11. 12:30 and Midnight Feast (Cheesecake)
12. 1:00 am Chatzot Ritual – outside
13. 1:15 am – conclusion

Beth Ami morning services
Wednesday June 12 9:30 a.m. Shavuot Day 1 with blintzes lunch following
Thursday  June 13 9:30 a.m. Shavuot Day 2 with Yizkor, blintzes lunch following