Three Dynamic Speakers from STANDWITHUS
Johanna Wilder • Michael Harris • Max Samarov
JANUARY 16 AND 17 • Congregation Beth Ami
4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Mark your calendars so you won’t miss the 2016 Scholars-in-Residence weekend at Beth Ami. Three dynamic speakers from StandWithUs will keep us informed on issues confronting our Jewish community. One of our three speakers will be flying in from LA to share with us his research findings into contemporary anti-Semitism. StandWithUs (http://StandWithUs.com) is dedicated to informing the public about Israel and to combating the extremism and anti-Semitism that often distorts the issues.
Johanna Wilder. Attend services Saturday, January 16, to hear Ms. Johanna Wilder, the Northern California Associate Director of StandWithUs, give the drash and talk after lunch on the growing anti-Semitic environment on California college campuses and its impact on Jewish students. The anti-Semitic environment permitted by university administrations is chilling and frightening. After her talk, Johanna needs to scoot over to Sacramento to accept Sacramento Jewish Federation’s award for her work on California’s campuses.
Michael Harris. Join us that evening following Havdalah at 6 pm when Dr. Michael Harris will speak on “1948: The War Still Being Fought Today”. Dr. Mike, a dynamic speaker, shows how 70 years later, Israel is still confronted by the same ideologies of hate. Our own Israel Committee is hosting a light dinner for the attendees.
Max Samarov. On Sunday, Mr. Max Samarov, Senior Researcher with StandWithUs, shares his investigation into the activities of Israel boycotters. He has uncovered startling facts. Currently Max is scheduled to dialog with us beginning at 1:30 pm Sunday, but since this schedule may change, check the website http://IsraelUpdate.INFO or https://bethamisr.org/2015/12/2151/ closer to the date for details.
Stand (or sit) with us and your fellow Jews the weekend of January 16 to hear three dynamite speakers talk about topics that affect you and the entire Jewish community. Join Us for a Weekend of Learning with three Scholars-in-Residence.
January 16 and 17

Scholars-in-Residence Weekend