Dear CBA family,
This week we were all shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden and untimely death of John Metz.
John and his mother Florence have been part of the Beth Ami family for many years. Mieneke and I met John when we first visited Beth Ami. We both appreciated his infectious humor and his warm welcoming manner. We enjoyed many evenings in his home.
John has been a true pillar of Beth Ami for a long time. He frequently read Torah and chanted Haftorah in his own memorable style. He has anonymously sponsored the Kidduah Club on Shabbat mornings. He worked behind the scenes to make many activities successful. John was one of those people who “never met a stranger.” Just being in the room with him made him your friend.
In his professional life, he worked to aid persons who were unfairly financially burdened by some experience with the health care industry. He worked with many legislative efforts to improve the financing of health care. He was always ready for a vigorous discussion of the topic that was his life’s work.
Personally, Mieneke and I have felt a grievous loss. As a family, we have all lost a beloved family member.
Shabbat Shalom.