Rosh Chodesh Shevat

All Jewish women are invited to welcome the new month of Shevat at Congregation Beth Ami at 7pm on Wednesday, January 17. We’ll begin the evening with snacks and rituals, then move to a very special activity: Guided Imagery through which you can release old vows or...

Social Action Goes to the Movies

The Social Action Committee is a co sponsor of the Social Action film series at Shomrei Torah. This year the theme is Democracy is NOT a Spectator Sport. We encourage everyone to support the series. The films and panel discussions are always pertinent and very...

Dates for dancing

Dancers, Here are the dates for Israeli dancing. please notice that they are not regular in terms of every other week, so write it down… These are the dates that appear online for Israeli Folk Dance – 84531...

Israeli dance session Dec. 13

It is time to register for a new session, Dec 13 to Feb 21. The cost is $17 for residents, $27 for non-residents. There are six classes. You can come to class and register later, it’s okay. If you need to pay on a drop-in basis you can let me know, there are...

Chanukah Sameach

It certainly feels like a lifetime passed since the High Holy Days, and Sukkot (where did Shemini Atzaret and Simchat Torah go?) We all feel like this is a changed and unsettled world since the wildfires started October 8th. All of us were affected, some more then...

Predictions and Hopes

It is three weeks since the fires began. They have had a devastating effect on our Beth Ami community and our larger community of Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino counties. Like most, I awaken every morning to the realization that I haven’t been dreaming and that the fires...

What is a Mensch?

We are so fortunate to have our Beth Ami Community in these challenging times! There are so many admirable volunteers who share their time and talents with our children, families, and congregants. Thank you for being such amazing examples. You are showing us how to be...

Back in the Person Center

The Finley/Person Community Center is returning to normal activity, and our next Israeli dance will be back in room 3 of the Person Center. I am not sure what the break in scheduling will do to registration, but do check the webpage and register for the next group of...

Dancing With Nature

Moving to California felt like moving to a new country. One impression that has struck me deeply is the sense that there is a certain “untamed” quality about living here. Between the majestic beauty of the mountains, the wild and dangerous coastline and the mysterious...