“Fearing God”

Unless you’re hooked on horror movies, you wouldn’t intentionally choose to experience fear. Yet this week’s Torah portion states explicitly, “Now Israel, what does Ad-nai your God request of you? Simply to ‘fear’ Ad-nai your God…” (Deut.10:12) Ironic that the...

What’s happening to our world?

Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, “The world rests on three things: on Justice and on Truth and Peace. As it says ‘Judge in your gates with Truth, Justice and Peace.'” (Zecharaiah 8:16) As summer rolls by it appears that we are living in a world where...

From Humiliation to Praise

Look back on your life and you become aware of a collection of memories: some good…some not so good; each an opportunity to deepen your awareness, sometimes to learn a life lesson, sometimes to raise a small chuckle or a tear. As we look back, we can become aware of...

Change and Providence

“The sun rises and the sun sets…” (Ecclesiastes 1:5) “R. Berechyah said in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana, ‘Really! Don’t we know that the sun rises and the sun sets?! “But the sense of this verse is: Before the sun of a certain righteous person sets, the sun of...

All in the Family

We live in a world that is riddled with violence. Not a week goes by without some headline screaming out about innocent people, simply going about their business—at school or a café or a shopping mall—being gunned down by an emotionally disturbed individual or by a...