Dancing With Nature

Moving to California felt like moving to a new country. One impression that has struck me deeply is the sense that there is a certain “untamed” quality about living here. Between the majestic beauty of the mountains, the wild and dangerous coastline and the mysterious...

After the fires

Dear Friends, At this point, last week seems like a blur. Monday, Tuesday etc. all just merged into “days”. Coming home last Friday and making “kiddush” around the table had a surreal quality to it. “Normalcy” seemed out of place! I...

From Rabbi Miller

A video message of hope for the new year… I also want to thank Rick Concoff for suggesting that I send out a video message. Shana tovah umtukah!  

Critical Difference

בס״ד In creating the universe one of the first acts of the Divine Creator is to make distinctions: light and darkness, day and night, heaven and earth, dry land and seas, plants, birds, fishes and animals after their kinds, Shabbat and the rest of the days of the...