Torah on the Trail
Second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am

This is a walk that’s not about the walk. We’ll speak about God and the wonders of creation. We’ll stop along the way to admire the beauty of nature and share thoughts and feelings.
How often have you walked along without noticing your surroundings, without looking with amazement at the dragonfly, the egret, the lupine; without hearing the woodpecker and the geese? That won’t happen at Torah on the Trail. Join us and see for yourself.
Fast and slow walkers welcome. Allow about two hours for walking, stopping, and sharing.  If you won’t be going to the breakfast beforehand, email the rabbi for the meeting place:
Participate at your own risk, Congregation Beth Ami is not liable for any injury that may occur during this activity.

Prayers and Breakfast

Just so you don’t set out on your walk hungry…
on the second Sunday of the month at 9 am we’ll meet at Beth Ami for weekday morning minyan services (shorter than Shabbat!) and breakfast.

Feel free to participate in either the walk, the breakfast/minyan, or both.

Introduction to Judaism and B’nai Mitzvah Plus: 2nd Wednesdays 7:00 pm

How to be Jewish for beginners. A step-by-step guide to gaining an understanding of Judaism and Jewish life. Contact Rabbi Koas if you are interested

Lunch and Learn
2nd Wednesday of the month at noon to 1:30 pm

Starting with the book Why Be Different? A Look into Judaism, we’ll use stories and questions to deepen our understanding of Judaism. From tackling troubling questions to applying Jewish teachings to everyday life, we’ll learn together each month.
Oh, and don’t forget the food. Lunch at noon, class starts at 12:30. Order a Veggie Wrap or Tuna Sandwich (box lunch, chips and a drink for $12). Please order through the office at 707-360-3000 by the Monday prior to class.

Torah Study
Every Shabbat morning that Rabbi Koas is in town, 9 am

Learn, question, discuss the week’s Torah portion. We always have a lively conversation and find out something we never knew.

Torah on Tap
2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm

We provide the beer. You provide the nosh. (Veggie only – please follow potluck guidelines.)

Our wide-ranging conversations will start with a timely article about a current issue. We’ll focus on the Jewish view of sometimes-controversial issues.

Havdalah: Bidding a Fond Farewell to Shabbat

Our first community Havdalah will be on Saturday, November 16th at 7pm. Let’s gather round to end Shabbat together, with singing, dancing, and smelling b’samim (fragrant spices). It’s an experiential moment, needing everyone’s active participation.

Each gathering will segue into the week with a fun activity, accompanied by drinks and a nosh. You bring the drinks, we’ll bring the nosh. November 16th we’ll do Karaoke. On December 14th we’ll have a game night. Future Havdalah night ideas: painting night, storytelling, poetry, mic night, movies. Have other ideas? Send them to Please put “Havdalah gatherings” in the subject line.

Purely for fun…

Biking with the rabbi

Join Rabbi Koas every Tuesday (that he’s in town) for food, socializing, and riding your bike/trike. All ages participate. Meet at 5:30 pm at 550 Silva Ave (the JC overflow parking lot.) Pedals up at 6 pm. For more details, see
or call Rabbi Koas for more information: 732-998-1029.

All are welcome at Beth Ami’s new programs,