I thought I would go back over our Thursday event. We will meet in Sebastopol at the Safeway parking lot on the south side in the shade, and then caravan to the Grove of Old Trees, which is on Fitzpatrick Lane outside of Occidental. As parking is restricted at the Grove, the fewer cars, the better. After that we will adjourn to Marvins Café for lunch. It should be a lovely day in this beautiful grove of Redwood that exists because of the efforts of several families over the years.. love to hear from some more of you so please let me know. Richard Kahn

Grove of Old Trees

Stewarded and owned by LandPaths for more than 20 years, the Grove of Old Trees is a healthy, old-growth stand of Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Accessible only via a narrow, two-lane rural road, the Grove is tucked away in a neighborhood on a road used by neighbors for walking and biking.

Please note that the Grove of Old Trees is a very small privately maintained public park down a narrow rural road in the middle of a neighborhood. The Grove has just one small parking lot and there is no street parking allowed for the safety of residents and visitors. There are no bathrooms at the Grove and no running water. If you are looking for a grand, accessible redwood experience in Sonoma County, please consider visiting Armstrong Woods State Park in Guerneville, which has much more acreage, parking, and facilities. Riverfront Regional Park also has a lovely, small redwood grove with plenty of parking and facilities.