Save the Date
Thursday, May 2, 2024 • 24 Nisan 5784
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Israel’s Transformative Tragedy:
Where do we go after October 7?
The registration link will be available soon.
Guest speaker Amichai Magen, a well-known Israeli professor and thought leader, will talk on “Israel’s Transformative Tragedy: Where do we go after October 7th?” Mr. Magen will discuss what brought us to the current crisis, its meaning and the competing narratives that will shape Israel socially and politically in the coming years. His talk could not be timelier.
Currently, Magen is a Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies at Stanford University. In Israel, head of the MA Program in Diplomacy & Conflict Studies and director of the Program on Democratic Resilience and Development (PDRD) at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University.
Amichai’s talk is sponsored by Beth Am’s Jewish and Israel Advocacy Committee in partnership with Congregation BethAmi Israel Committee.