The Kitchen Committee and volunteers are creating celebratory meals and snacks for the holiday season. Come nosh!
- On Selichot (September 9th), there will be drinks, snacks available to help us study.
- For Erev Rosh Hashanah (September 15th), toast in the new year after services with honey, apples, home made honeycakes, and champagne.
- On Shabbat, day 1 of Rosh Hashanah (September 16th ), coffee and some snacks outside the Friedman’s center and after services we will be offering a simple light lunch in the Social Hall.
- On Day 2 of Rosh Hashanah (September 17th), we will observe Tashlich at Howarth Park’s Lake Ralphine. Then bring your simple picnic dinner to the Beth Ami Courtyard to eat, schmooze, and stay for Ma’ariv and Havdalah.
- Shabbat Shuvah (September 22nd ) we will have our normal Shabbat Potluck.
- On Kol Nidre day (September 24th ), you provide your own pre-fast meal. But after Yom Kippur (September 25th ) when services are over, there will be a simple Break-the-Fast meal. Please, remember to RSVP so we will have enough food.
- Erev Sukkot and Shabbat (Friday September 29) Pizza dinner in the Sukkah
- On Shabbat, Day 1 of Sukkot (September 30th), there will be a light lunch served after the services (outside in the Sukkah).
- On Day 2 Sukkot (October 1st ), there will also be a light lunch after the services.
- For Shabbat, Shimini Atzeret (October 7th), there will be a simple light lunch.
- On Erev Simchat Torah (October 7th ), there will be refreshments and thirst quenchers after the services and dancing and marching with the Torah.
- On Simchat Torah morning (October 8th) there will be snacks and refreshments during the services and dancing and marching with the Torah.There will be volunteers needed to organize, set-up and clean-up these events, if you are interested let us know.