Now we’re reading Israeli writer, Ayelet Gundar-Goshen’s WAKING LIONS (Fiction, 352 pgs. Hebrew 2014; English translation, 2017.)
We participate in the SF Jewish Community Library’s Book Club in a Box program. I’ve been warned that this is not a pretty book, but very
well-written and especially appropriate for Yom Kippur time. The SFJC Library blurb says: ” An Israeli physician is speeding along a deserted
moonlit road in his SUV after an exhausting hospital shift, when he hits a man. Seeing that the man, an African migrant, is beyond help, he
flees the scene. His life will take a dramatic turn in this gripping and morally devastating drama of guilt and survival. ”
There are a few books left to borrow. All CBA members and friends are welcome to join in the discussion. We’ll be meeting, Wednesday
afternoon, October 4, in my home sukkah. Some people come regularly and others for a particular book. All good. Comments and questions?
Linda Emblen 707-544-4532. Shanah Tovah!