Shalom all,
Hoping everyone is enjoying summer now that the weather is more summer like. This is a reminder that there is no SAC meeting this month
We will meet on Tuesday, Aug 8th 12:30. Location tbd

We will be serving at The Palms on Aug. 16 th. If you’d like to make food let me know if you are participating in dinner and what you are making. Thanks
Last week some of us helped organize and distribute kitchen, bedding and bathroom items for the new clients of Catholic charities who will be moving into the new Burbank housing that was built in the Caritas Village. The new housing is quite lovely. Large and airy rooms. There is a community room, large outdoor patio and underground parking. I think people will start moving in on the 15th.
The housing is for a certain amount of SC clients and the rest is HUD ,section 8 housing. I asked Caryn about the mixing of the two populations and she said everyone was aware of who is moving in. There will be 24 hour security. The apartments will be run by Burbank housing and SC will provide services to their clients.

It is an amazing opportunity for everyone to move into such wonderful fully air conditioned apartments.

The SC clients will have many things provided for them as for most they haven’t been living in housing. They are fully furnished, have dishes, silverware, microwave, toaster, full set of pots and pans. Also bedding, etc. There were hand written cards from Ursuline students, posters from a Girl Scout troupe and a generous $75 gift certificate from Grocery Outlet. Thanks to Fredrika, Nancy, Judi for your help
I know that I am truly impressed with Catholic Charities new wrap around approach to the unhoused. And it’s really nice to be working with Caryn

Enjoy the summer, see you next month,