Shalom all, Important dates:
Tuesday,April 11, 12:30. SAC meeting at Judi’s home. Bring your lunch.
Wednesday,April 19 3:00-5:00 at Gazebo in Howarth Park. Volunteer recognition of volunteers for Catholic Charities. We are all invited.
Wednesday, April 26 The Palms. 4:00 -5:30. This is a week later than originally planned because of volunteer recognition. Please adjust calendars.
Visit to Caritas Village:
The tour was absolutely amazing. Everyone was truly impressed by the beautiful facility, the holistic approach to the clients and the caring attitude of every employee and volunteer we met. I think we were very excited and invigorated by seeing all that they do and the numerous volunteer possibilities.
I will give a short overview as there was so much good info that I can’t possibly due it justice. At our next meeting we will discuss in detail and plan when Caryn Shapiro Stone and another person can come to the synagogue and give a full presentation.
Caritas means caring for all. Their mission goes where others fear to tread.
The village has three main areas which they serve: immigration services, homelessness, and housing.
The building has many wings with different emphasis. There is a daily drop in center, an adult educational wing, SR community health has a complete clinic which also includes mental health. There is a beautiful child care center and soon Head Start will open. .
There is also a large industrial kitchen that is nearly complete.
There are separate family units, and even an area for people recently discharged from the hospital. I can’t remember how many people they can house but it’s a lot.
Also Burbank housing is building 2 large apartment complexes next door and 40% of the units will be for Catholic Charity clients.
Much more to say but not for now.
There is another important issue to write about and that is all the recent events and newspaper articles in the Press about The Palms. So the NAACP and other organizations had a protest about the conditions and deaths at the Palms on Thursday. I couldn’t go because we were at the tour.
There were two articles: 1 on Friday which was old and very positive about the need for housing for the most vulnerable in our community. The second on Saturday was about the protest and was negative but hoping for changes.
Anyway, I have decided to write a letter to the editor about our long term commitment to The Palms and our support of the community. I also am talking to someone from Catholic Charities who may have some input. I want to do this soon so if anyone has some ideas for me that would be very helpful. Thanks
Well I hope this update energizes, Lyla