I will be in Beth Ami’s social hall 7-9 pm Wednesday Oct. 26
The gate from the rear parking lot should be propped open.
You can also zoom:
Leanne Schy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Leanne’s dance reunion
Time: Oct 26, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 8265 0204
Passcode: 397023

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Hi dancers.
It was a long road trip, and though i flew back,  Mark is still out there working on repairing the car, so i guess it’s not over yet.

I just took down the Sukkah today, marking the end of the Jewish holiday season.

The Beth Ami Social Hall is available, and i can set up Zoom but I’ll have to send the Zoom address later.

Right now other groups (Carol, Marilyn, Kensington) are continuing to require vaccination and masking. I frankly find worrying about making those decisions to be very anxiety-producing.
I would rather do what everybody else is doing and not go out on a limb by myself. Though i believe the County is in Green, i anecdotally know a lot of people catching Covid. I’d rather err on the side of caution. We can talk about what to do when we see who shows up in person or Zoom.

I asked previously about people who would want to form a carpool to Kensington Cafe (they checked vaccination and required masks for all even while teaching) https://cafesimcha.org/
or to Cafe Shalom (they checked vaccination but not everyone wore masks) https://www.folkdance.com/community/where-to-dance/cafe-shalom/

We used to have a carpool email list with open emails so those interested could contact each other. If you email me with a request to be on such a list I’ll send it out to those who are interested.

Be well…