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The current situation with Jew-hatred and more.
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bringing you the thoughts and learning of famous experts.
International Media Bias Against Israel
We are co-sponsors of this event.
August 30 11 am
Lt. Col. (res.) Jonathan Conricus. It is well documented that mainstream media are biased against Israel. How significant is this at the international level? What are its effects on National Security for Israel?
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Israeli Elections and the Future of Judea and Samaria
August 31 10:30
David Ha’Ivri give a read on the upcoming elections and how the outcome will affect Judea and Samaria.
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How to Combat and Prevent an Anti-Semitic Climate on Campus
August 31 11 am
This workshop is a platform to speak about experiences of antisemitism from the perspective of Jewish students on campus. We will also discuss where antisemitism is coming from, its ideological roots, and its connection to other forms of bias. We move from theory to action with steps to build a network on campus for those who want to oppose antisemitism. Günther Jikeli, Associate Director of IU Bloomington’s Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, with Kimberley Gabriel and Noah Kaufman, students at IU Bloomington.
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Myths and Realities about Israel’s Establishment:
Their Relevance for Discussions of Contemporary Antisemitism
September 4, 2022 9 am
Jeffrey Herf
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The Trojan “Bourse”
Thursday September 8 9am
Dan Harris, a leading specialist in the financial markets, and Natasha Hausdorff speak about his new book, “The Trojan Bourse” which analyses how the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement seeks to influence divestment and exclusion of stocks from investment portfolios.
Harris likens this to the Greek myth of the Trojan Horse – where the Greeks besieging Troy built a wooden horse, hid soldiers inside it, and left it outside the city, as a gift. When it was wheeled into Troy, the Greek soldiers jumped out and sacked the city. In Harris’s analogy, the securities markets are encircled by a wall of laws and financial regulations. The votive gift is information, but the information conceals within it a political agenda, that will wreak havoc if brought inside the citadel.
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Roots of Antisemitism and Its Contemporary Resurgence
Sept 8 noon
From medieval accusations that Jews murder Christians for their blood to the modern-day conspiracy theories animating present-day political discourse, it’s clear that the belief that Jews are plotting against society never dies—it just adapts to suit the times. Join the editor and contributors of Looking for an Enemy: 8 Essays on Antisemitism and AJU’s President Dr. Jeffrey Herbst for a nuanced, global understanding of antisemitism across ages, political ideologies, and nationalities. In their essays, American rabbi Jill Jacobs explores the thorny question of antisemitism in politics, journalist Natasha Lehrer explores the culture of antisemitism in France and the forces behind it, and Jo Glanville searches for the historical roots of this dangerous hatred.
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Does Ethnic Studies Have a Jewish Problem?
September 8 4:30 pm
Panelists with American Jewish Committee, The Deborah Project, Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies, and CAMERA
Ethnic Studies is becoming a mandatory subject in many US states, a requirement for graduating from high school, yet it has been shown to be antisemitic, and has led to a serious confrontation between the Jewish community and educators and politicians in California. What are the implications for the Jewish community, especially when Ethnic studies does not recognize Jews as an ethnicity?
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“Night Without End”:
New Scholarship on the Holocaust in Poland
September 18, 2022 9 am
Jan Grabowski
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