Shalom all, We had a very nice meeting and lunch at Judi’s. Thanks again to Judi for the having meeting at her house and providing a tasty salad. Everyone brought great food and good energy to the meeting.
First off, Myrna Morse made individual soap for everyone. It was her way of saying thank you for all you do! Members took soaps for those of you who weren’t there so hopefully you will receive them soon.
We had a long discussion about The Palms. Bobbie had talked to her contact from the Vets and was told that the residents need our support more than ever. We all agreed and will continue with our meals.
We are hoping now that the issues have been exposed things will improve.. We all agreed that part of problem is just the inherent issues of the chronically homeless and poor management at the Palms. But housing first is the most important thing that can be done to deal with the unhoused. Bobbie if you want to add something please do. Thanks

So next Palms food delivery will be Wednesday, June 15 th. We are going to do sandwiches again as the residents liked them and there are still issues with containers.
Sandwich ideas: meat, cheese, peanut butter and jelly, wheat bread
Fruit: Individual apples, cuties, other available fruit.
Dessert: cookies, brownies
Judi suggested people bring what they want for desserts and fruit and extra sandwiches. The more we bring the better. So if you are making something in particular let me know. Otherwise I think we have this down. Thanks!
Food Bank:
There is the annual mail carrier day for food bank. From 5:00 to 8:00 pm there is a volunteer opportunity to sort out the food that was collected. It is indoors and may be some bending and lifting . Not sure. Contact REFB if interested.
Tuesday, May 24th is next organized volunteer opportunity from 10:00-11:30 at refb. It is outdoors in the tent. Call or go on line to register.

Activity for beach or park cleanup and picnic and monthly meeting.
We are thinking about an outdoor cleanup on Tuesday,July 12. That would be our regular meeting date. We are hoping to find an appropriate location. Judi has some connections with the parks. Ore info next month. Should be a fun and worthwhile activity.
For those who are feeling very strong and ready for a challenge the Regional Parks is hosting a fire recovery workday at Foothill Regional Park on May 22. for info
Racial and social justice update by Carol
The committee will is planning a two part in person lecture with guest speaker, Ben Benson on Native Americans from this area . More info to follow.
Carol showed us a small version of a social justice mural being planned by her and Bonnie Boren. Very special!

GAY PRIDE Parade will be held this year after a 2 year hiatus. It will be in Santa Rosa. The date is Saturday ,June 4th. Starting at 11:00 . I think it will go down 4 th and end up at court house square. Please mark your calendars and support our LBGTQ? Community. There will be more info in the cybershul.
June 11 th , 12 th. The AIDS blanket will be in SF. I know that there will be a panel for Bobbie’s brother.
Dates to remember
NEXT MEETING is Tuesday, June14 th. at 12:30. Location TBA
Tuesday, May, 24 th. REFB. 10:00-11:30
Saturday, June 4 th, Gay PRIDE paradeĀ  11:00
June 11, 12 th AIDS blanket in SF
Wednesday, June15 th Palms delivery. Meet at BA by 3:00 for drop off

This was a long update. I hope I included everything.
Take care, Lyla