Calling all CBA Foodies… One benefit of the Corona19 is we are all cooking at home and enjoying more meals together. Have you been cooking in your kitchen lately? What recipes have you been using? Old family recipes? New ones? Let’s share our food ideas with each other. Please include any story behind your choice and your first name if you like. Email pdf or doc attachments to with CBA recipe as the subject.

CBA Chicken Shwarma Recipe

This is my all time favorite vegetarian recipe. I grow Swiss Chard and probably put in a lot more than the recipe actually calls for. I will also describe what to do with the stems that are left. So you are getting 2 for 1 here. –Lee Feinstein
CBA Curried Lentils with Sweet Potatoes and Swiss Chard
Here is the ultimate noodle kugel. In this recipe, you don’t merely moisten the noodles with custard. No, if it looks like the noodles are floating around in a large vat of custard, you’re doing it right! From Ethel Schy.  kugel, lukshen
Carolyn Metz’s vegetarian quiche recipe Veggie Quiche
For Shavuot: Bonnie Boren sends the blintzes recipe she uses.