Toda Raba to the Beth Ami family and friends who filled the Redwood Empire Food Bank bins to overflowing during the holidays . Once again we have demonstrated our commitment to Tikun Olam. We need to remember that hunger never takes a holiday, so please continue to bring healthy food to the shul on a regular basis.
As the weather is changing, days getting shorter and nightly temperatures dropping we can begin to look through our closets for lightly used warm clothing and accessories. Hats, gloves, warm socks, jackets, sweats and sleeping bags are always needed. The SAC hasn’t decided where to donate the clothes yet but the bins will be in the foyer of the shul by the time you read this article. If anyone has a suggestion where to donate, please let us know. We also continue to collect toiletries. Always needed: feminine products, socks.
Thanks again for everyones’ support.
The next dinner at The Palms is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20 th. The dinner will have a different menu. Jerry Newman has offered to cook Texas style brisket . A nice early Thanksgiving meal. Thanks Jerry!
The SAC is very excited about the Shabbat weekend with Beth Hamon on December 5-7. Some of us saw Beth at the women’s retreat and really loved her singing and ability to create community. We will support the Adult Education and ad hoc committee during the weekend.
We are also finalizing our plans to sponsor the Shabbat dinner and speaker on Friday, January 3. More details to follow.
Busy time and all is good.
Upcoming dates
The Palms: November 20 th. 4:30- 6:00
Redwood Empire Food Bank: December 18th. 5:00-7:00.
Interested in joining us? Call Elizabeth at the office 360-3000 or Lyla 526-7438
B’ shalom, Lyla