Our next Rosh Chodesh gathering will be on Thursday, July 12 at Congregation Beth Ami. We’ve had a bit of a break in our monthly gatherings for several reasons. Now, we’d like to get back on track. The new Jewish month is Menacham Av (Av the Comforter). The rabbis named this month Menachem Av because the Shabbat after Tisha B’Av begins seven weeks of special haftarot in which prophets offer the mourning Israelites words of consolation.
We all sustained a great loss when Barbara Boren left us on June 12. May her memory be for a blessing! I’m hoping that we can talk about the Jewish rituals associated with mourning, and specifically how Jewish women mourn. I have some exercises we might engage in … as well as our regular Rosh Chodesh rituals and songs.
Please join us on Thursday, July 12 in the Multipurpose Room at Congregation Beth Ami at 7pm (Rabbi Miller will lead a brief Mincha prayer service at 7pm that will include the Mourner’s Kaddish).
Bring a snack to share, a memory of Barbara (if you like) and ideas for rituals/traditions that Jewish women might observe when mourning.
Questions? Contact Patty Bernstein, basberyl@sonic.net, 546-6043.
As always … all Jewish women are welcome regardless of affiliation (or not).
Please join us!