Dear Beth Ami, Outrage competes with disgust as we read about our country’s current policy to forcibly separate children from their families..
I’m forwarding this message from Danny Grossman, CEO of the San Francisco Community Jewish Federation, to keep you appraised of our own Bay Area Community’s organized response. In addition, you may wish to take advantage of Danny’s enumeration of various
ways we can participate personally.
As members of the Jewish Community, we can feel a special measure of horror at a policy and rhetoric that brings back memories of our own tragic experience in Europe of the thirties and forties.
Chazak v’ematz – Be strong and of good courage!
Mordecai Miller
Dear community members,
Like many of you, we at the Federation are deeply concerned about splitting up families as they seek asylum in the United States. This contradicts the Jewish values of respect and fair treatment for all human beings, and is in opposition to the ethos of Torah and Jewish tradition. Therefore, we stand in opposition of separating children from their parents as they search for a safe haven or escape persecution.
On the eve of World Refugee Day, we are reminded that compassion toward others is a highly regarded and practiced trait in our community. As a people committed to tikkun olam (repairing the world) and hachnasat orchim (welcoming the stranger), we are obligated to speak up for those who may be mistreated.
One of our Federation’s priorities is helping the most vulnerable among us. As Jews, we are compelled to do all we can to promote our collective responsibility to condemn this trauma-inducing policy.
To ease the sense of helplessness, we stand in solidarity to effect change. There are many ways you can take action. For example, you can:
Add your voice for immediate action to end this practice by completing the form on the Jewish Community Relations Council’s Action Alert.
Participate in an Interfaith Vigil at Grace Cathedral this Thursday, June 21, at 6:15 pm, co-hosted by the San Francisco Interfaith Council and other faith partners.
Consider making a contribution directly or recommending a grant from your Federation Donor Advised Fund to organizations involved in addressing the issue, such as:
RAICES Family Reunification and Bond Fund, raising funds to pay the full amount of an immigration bond so that parents can be released from custody and reunite with their families.
Anti-Defamation League, striving to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all; they are calling to immediately reverse the policy.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, working around the world to protect refugees who have been forced to flee their homelands because of who they are, including ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities.
American Civil Liberties Union, seeking a nationwide injunction against separating children from families and was working on the issue prior to the latest news.
Danny Grossman
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund