Hello everyone, Thank you so much for dedicating your time to coming to our meeting this past Wednesday, for your openness to share and to listen, and for your interest in taking action.
I am including in this e-mail: (1) Date and time of next meeting, (2) List of possible next actions to be discussed at the next meeting, (3) Videos that obviously couldn’t be included in the handouts provided but are short and illustrative, (4) Link to Harvard’s implicit project to aid in self-reflection (5) Links to the articles I brought to the meeting in case online is an easier format for you.
(1) Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 10, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.
(2) Our list:
* Breaking bread with members of other communities – Susan, Jerry
* Contacting church leaders and activist leaders to find out how best we can support the cause – Sylvia
* Learning more, reading – Jenny
* Reflecting inwardly on our own biases – Lyla
* Show up to the next vigil, protest, etc to show support – Bonnie
* Joint services – Barbara
* Bring in the police community (socially or for speaking) – Leah
* Inviting the folks who protect our shul on high holy days to dine with us – Leah
* Prayer and fasting with members of affected communities – Sylvia
* Visit churches – (?)
(3) Videos:
* 4 Black Lives Matter Myths debunked
* Why colorblindness does not end racism
This is both an article and a video:
* Black GOP Senator talks about being pulled over 7 times in one year
(4) Project Implicit self-assessment tests
(5) Articles:
* The next time someone says “All lives matter,” show them these 5 paragraphs
* Nate Silver: For black Americans, US is about as dangerous as Rwanda
* All Lives Matter political cartoon
* 12 Small Steps for White families who want to be a positive force for change on racism
* Facts on kids and race
* 7 Reasons colorblindness contributes to racism instead of solves it
* What you can do right now about police brutality
* This is what white people can do to support #Blacklivesmatter
* The conversation we must have with our white children
* How to talk about race and books that can help
* 100 race conscious things you can say to your child about race (etc.) to advance racial justice
* Black Lives Matter is not a hate group
—Jenny Levine-Smith