Rosh Chodesh Shevat ~ Brunch on January 10 at Congregation Beth Ami. Join other Jewish women to celebrate the new month of Shevat ~ the 11th month of the Jewish year and the 1st Jewish month celebrated in 2016 ~ with ritual, activities, and food!
Our Dairy/Pareve Potluck will take place on Sunday, January 10 at 11am in the Social Hall at Congregation Beth Ami. We’ll ready ourselves for the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the 15th day of Shevat, which marks the “New Year of the Trees.” Fruits are a big part of Tu B’Shevat … but so are important biblical women including Esther and Tamar (whose names mean myrtle and date palm respectively) and Miriam, Deborah, and Yael whose stories are told on Shabbat Shirah.
Come share with us as the days begin to grow longer and the sun shines a bit brighter, though we still look forward to rain, precious rain.
Questions? Contact Patty Bernstein ( or Bonnie Boren (