Come one, come all (Jewish women, that is). The Rosh Chodesh group is refreshing itself by gathering on Sunday, November 23 at Congregation Beth Ami’s Social Hall for a potluck (dairy) brunch at 11am to celebrate the new month of Kislev. (Already?) All Jewish women, regarding of affiliation with any synagogue, are welcome to eat, sing, enjoy rituals, and get acquainted with our commonalities. No need to RSVP … but if you’d like to be included on the group emails, please let Patty Bernstein ( or Bonnie Boren ( know.
Save the date for our Rosh Chodesh Chanukah celebration: Monday, December 22, we’ll light 7 candles (plus the shamash). So, bring your menorahs, 8 candles, and the name of your favorite Jewish-themed or Jewish-titled book. We’ll meet at 7pm in the Social Hall at Congregation Beth Ami. Again, all Jewish women are welcome.