I’m happy to say that when members from our Santa Rosa dance group go to the monthly dance in San Francisco, we make a very respectable showing. I’ve been trying to go over dances that are popular there, and our dancers get out on the dance floor and really contribute to the energy of the event. We are a small but talented group, if I do say so myself. In September and October or schedule is a bit crazy because of holidays: September 3 in the Friedman Center, September 17 in the Social Hall, October 1 and 29 in the Friedman Center.
Here is a dance, “HaLev” that seems to be getting popular elsewhere. It’s a love song, has a medium tempo and might be nice for us to learn:
We have also been working on Katonti. The words are a biblical quote. It was taught at the Free Folk Festival.
Here’s one that kind of got away from us– we were doing it a while ago…