We hope you’ll consider joining Congregation Beth Ami’s Rosh Chodesh group. All Jewish women, regardless of affiliation (or non-affiliation) are welcome.
Our Rosh Chodesh group focuses on building an intimate atmosphere to explore our personal Jewish identities and experiences as modern Jewish women of diverse observance and practices, lifestyles, and background. This is an open environment where question are encouraged—about Judaism, Torah spirituality and life itself.
Discussion topics are created based on where the conversation takes us, so open your heart and mind to a new Jewish experience that we get to create and mold ourselves, as we build new relationships and learn from one another.
We’ve created a nice sense of community in this women’s group, and we value diversity. So, whatever your Jewish background, your questions, your age, or life stage, please consider joining us. Please contact Patty Bernstein (basberyl@sonic.net), Bonnie Boren (bonniegboren@gmail.com), or the Beth Ami office (office@bethamisr.org) if you’d like to join the mailing list so that you can stay up to speed about upcoming gatherings and discussion topics. You won’t regret attending…you’ll relish your connection with other Jewish women. We’ve heard from so many who’ve attended these gatherings that they’ve found them meaningful. We do…please join us!
Patty Bernstein, Bonnie Boren, Sarah Miller, Susan Miller