As we begin the new year, I want to wish everyone a healthy and sweet one. Rosh HaShana is always a time of reflection and hope. The social action committee continues to have a vision to make a better world where we are kind to each other and help our friends and neighbors in their times of need.
We will continue to prepare soups and kugels for our kehilla
We will continue our monthly volunteering at the Redwood Empire Food Bank.
We will continue to support the food pantry at JFCS.
We will participate in the warm clothing drive this winter with sister synagogue Shomrei Torah.
We will once again make and distribute bags for the homeless and needy people in our community.
We will, along with the keshet committee, do all we can to make Beth Ami a welcoming community for the LBGTQA community.
We will support the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County as well as Of One Soul in their activities to bring greater understanding and friendship to the many people of different faiths in our community.
We also have begun a sub committee called Racial Justice. We are looking for ways to support the minority communities in Sonoma County. We are trying to build bridges and reach out in a constructive and helpful way with activities that build community.
As always, during the holidays, we will have a food drive to fill up the pantry at Jewish Family and Children Services. Thanks to all in advance for everyone’s continued support and generosity.
We will also have community conversations during the High Holidays.
Shana Tova to all, Lyla Nathan