Dancers, I don’t see any sign of the Finley/Person Center being available by October 25, so I arranged to dance at Congregation Beth Ami in the social hall, 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.. The floor is not the nice wood floor of the Person Center, but it’s okay. I’m sending this notice to my older lists as well as the rec center roster; anyone can come. We used to charge a $3 donation to Beth Ami, I’ll put the money box out for people who have not registered with the rec center, but it’s optional.
We can meet there again Nov 8 but I hope we’ll be back in the Person Center by then. Purim of Love spiel program 2018
Congregation Beth Ami
4676 Mayette Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
I hope we can supply some of those endorphins dancing provides!
Be well,