The first meeting of Compassionate Conversations was held on Sunday, April 23. We were pleased by the large turn out. Seventeen people willingly dedicated their time to learn and practice how to really listen. We listened to each other without interrupting or asking questions. We were there just to hear what someone had to say without the need to give advice or feedback. People were very respectful and brave to share with the group.
As we finished, each person gave a phrase or a few words to explain how they felt. Many people expressed a calm, quiet, hopefulness from the meeting. It felt like a very safe and caring environment. It was a very good beginning. Thanks to everyone who participated.
The next meeting of Compassionate Conversations will be held on Sunday, May 28 from 3:30–5. The subject will be gratitude.
The following meeting will be Sunday, June 11 at the same time. If you didn’t make this meeting, you are welcome to come next time. We will review guidelines and have a brief discussion of the kind of listening we will offer and receive in the group.
If you are interested or for more
information, please contact Rabbi Miller at, 889-6905 or, 526-7438.
Last week I asked for specific items to fill the bin for the JFCS Pantry. I noticed today that the bin was full. Thanks so much to the congregation for such a quick response. Terrific!